Skeins: O-Wool, Local in the Porcupine, Fringe Tree and Wild Geranium colorways | Book: Madder Anthology 1 | Candle: Big Deeper 100% bee wax candle | Acorn needle gauge | Jenna Rose project bag.
Christmas is not so far away anymore, so I thought it would be appropriate to share some of the things that are on my Christmas wishlist this year. And I think that these would make perfect gifts for knitters too.
I'm having a really hard time keeping my eyes away from these soft and delicate Local yarns colors. I don't know what I would knit with them, but I wouldn't mind keeping them preciously in my little stash.
This book. Well, it's not exactly on my wishlist anymore, because my dad has been teasing me the other day, telling me that the book that I have ordered will be under the Christmas tree.
Beewax candles. I'm obsessed with candles. I burn them everywhere, the whole day long. But what I love about bee wax candles is that they smell very nice, they don't contain nasty things (parafine), and they last forever.
Acorn gauge. This one is absolutely adorable. Not that I need another gauge but I could definitely hang this one on the wall.
Project bag. Jenna Rose has recently released her new collection, and I've been so thrilled. I absolutely love her work, and this bag is among my favourites.
What's on your wihslist this year?