For the most part of my not so long knitting experience, I’ve called myself a “monogamous” knitter. I couldn’t imagine working with several projects at the same time. I was overwhelmed just by the idea of having different yarns on the needles, and no single completed project. But over these last couple months, I felt the need to expand my tiny stash no only with beautiful and soft yarns, but also with a couple of projects bags. I started working on several jumpers for myself, a few presents and designing a couple of patterns, all at the same time! I do not feel stressed by the amount of unfinished work anymore. On the contrary, I love seeing the knitting basket in the kitchen, filled with my small projects that I can pick up easily, whenever I feel the urge to knit with something light on my lap. Or the several projects bags in my bedroom with their half-completed jumpers inside, carrying, beyond doubt, the promise of a few wonderful evenings and colder cosy sweaters days.