We had our first snow! It didn't last very long, but I enjoyed it immensely. It's funny because the day before the first snowflakes appear, I could "feel" that it was coming -that's the Lorelai Gilmore inside of me who's speaking. So the day before the snow, I took my little basket on my elbow and headed out straight to the woods, aiming to gather some branches and pinecones to decorate the house. I came back home with the basket full, certain that it would be enough to decorate every door frame, window frame and window sill in the house. Right now there's a bit of pine branches here and there, but I'm definitely far from the little forest that I wanted to recreate indoors. So I will probably go back on Sunday to gather some more, whislt I'll be hunting for my Christmas tree. Are you a Christmas fanatic too? I always love to put the Christmas tree on the 1st of December, and keep it until mid-January.
Even though I won't be celebrating Christmas in Latvia this year I really want the house to be decorated.
As I was spending some time on Pinterest I realised that I’ve been quite inspired by Scandinavian & traditional homesteading decorations that I would describe as inexpensive, simple and natural. So I have a few ideas in my mind already and I’ll be finding some time next week to work on these. As I said on the podcast I want to make corn stash decorations for the Christmas tree with cookie cutters (I struggled a bit to find this word!). It’s very inexpensive, and I’m sure it will be a lot of fun to make. I’ve also been advised to sprinkle a bit of ground cinnamon to make them smell.
I’ve also made quite a few paper snowflakes that are hanging on my kitchen window. The fun part about them is that I never know what I’m going to end up with as I’m cutting randomly. I made different sizes using the bits and pieces of paper that I could find and the leftovers from the already-cut snowflakes. I’ll be working on some more for sure.
The other idea that I have in mind is to make mini-Weasley sweaters. At the moment I only want to make two of them: one for my sweetheart and one for myself. And the next time that we will be host for Christmas I would make some for each family member that will join us.
Are you planning to make any decorations yourself?
Ps: Thank you so much for your kind messages regarding the launch of my video journal. I have decided to record several times during the month instead of podcasting every week. I don't want to put unnecessary pressure on my shoulders, and only share when I feel like it, and want there's content to be shared.